Thursday 4 April 2013

Download and install the engine

Download and Install guide

Updated version 1.2
Download full sourcecode and documment

I uploaded full projects from eclipse so you can import the projects directly.
If projects miss some library like android sdk or libgdx, please get them from link i posted below.
Contact me if you have any problem.

You can read the document online here or download the source code and documents to study offline [here]. Gdx Engine is absolutely free for download, amendment or making your games.After you extract the downloaded archive, you will have the document in pdf and folders is Asset, Testclasses and SourceCode.

The document for online reading, you can see here:

Install guide
Step 1: Download the source of engine to your computer.
Step 2: Install following software:
Java JDK
Android SDK for android, Google Web Toolkit for Web, MonoTouch for iOS (Not required entirely)
+ Download libgdx framework, extract it, You will have libgdx library, and the tool setup libgdx project: Gdx-setup-ui.
Step 3: Create new projects using Gdx-setup-ui tool like below figure:

Import projects just created into eclipse like below figure:

The following dialog will be shown like below figure:

The following dialog will be shown like below figure:

You copy everything in SourceCode và Asset folder from downloaded archive into src và asset folder in eclipse like below figure:

You select the "test..." class in back-end project to check if engine is working. Press F11 to run the Test class.

Game have run properly, congratulation !


  1. This is just what I needed man. Thanks!!

  2. I will update the new version that make games for tiled map and physics game. I hope you like it!
